Setting & Changing Of Routine

Change just one thing and then see what the results are. That way you can see if there is any difference, and, if there is, be sure what the difference is due to. This week I extended my standing time from 40 minutes to an hour, twice a day. The extended time is not a problem. I notice my shoulders are stronger and a wee bit of soreness in my legs. My senses are slightly sharper. I no longer get sleepy in the evening, otherwise sleep is about the same.

I follow the same rule with adding a new exercise. Recently I experimented with horse stance. Soreness in my hips ensued. I stopped doing it. Probably the soreness would have gone away in time and I would have begun to benefit. Judgement call. There is only so much time and too many options for exercise - tai chi, qi gong, kung fu, pilates, yoga, isometrics.

Getting healthy and fit is a reasonable goal. It takes some trial and error but an hour a day of the right combination of exercises for you should suffice to meet goals. On the other hand shooting for the moon with heavy time investment is not sustainable in the long term. I am retired and can afford 3 hours a day, but can get by with just an hour. There is also the question of how much/little mental effort it takes to sustain a regime. Motivation should come naturally.


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