Quoting from Grandmaster Wang:
Time of practice should be adjusted according to patientís situation. Usually people in
relatively good condition can start from 10 minutes. If condition is worse, patient can start
from 5 minutes. Then time of practice should be prolonged. It can be prolonged gradually (eg.
from 5 to 6-7 minutes), or by longer steps (eg. from 10 to 20 minutes). Patient can practice 2-
3 times every day, not more than 5 times. Time of single exercise and frequency of practice
should be decided by checking if the feeling of comfortable force and interest donít disappear.
Practice shouldnít cause too much burden. The principle is no tiredness. Only this way feeling
of comfort in whole body, free blood circulation, cultivating spirit and strengthening body can
be achieved.
During exercise there can appear feeling of pain, numbness, increased secretion of saliva,
yawning, hiccup, fear, pricing or itching, prickling, feeling of warmth, increased sweating and
other feelings and reactions. Sometimes feeling of aching, pricking or itching appears in area
of old injuries. These are normal reactions. After some time they disappear. Finally state of
great relax and comfort is achieved, as if not having body, but yet having clear consciousness
of body. It is followed by improving health and curing illnesses.
Those patients, who practiced methods including control of breath and focusing on dantian,
should reject those methods when starting zhan zhuang practice. Because there are
contradictions between these methods, it is not advisable to use them simultaneously.
Otherwise, not only it will be difficult to achieve good effects, but there can also appear
difficult breathing, dizziness and other side effects.
Patient should have trust in the method, practicing diligently, developing belief in possibility
of acting, the spirit of revolutionary optimism. At the same time he should obey doctorís
instruction, not stopping practice, not giving up. This way he will be able to achieve positive
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