Lying In Bed Postures

Quoting from Grandmaster Wang:

They are usually used in case of very serious illnesses or those who are not able to leave bed. Can also be used as a supplement to standing and sitting postures.

• First posture. Lie down on your back. Eyes slightly closed, mouth slightly open, legs naturally straightened and separated (not more than shoulder-width). Or you can bend knees slightly. Heels on the bed. Palms resting on underbelly, elbows on the bed. Armpits half open. Whole body relaxed.

• Second posture. Put your arms on both sides of body. Insides of palms directed downward or upward. Elbows on the bed. Armpits half open. Other demands are the same as when practicing first posture.

• Third posture. Arms are as if embracing something in front of your chest. Elbows resting on the bed. Knees slightly bent. Other demands are the same as when practicing first posture.

• Fourth posture. Arms resting on both sides of body, or raised as if embracing something in front of chest. Legs straight, slightly separated, toes directed forward (as if you were pressing something with soles of feet). Or knees slightly bent, and toes pointing upward. Other demands are the same as when practicing first posture.


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