Sitting postures
Quoting from Grandmaster Wang:
Usually when illness is severe, but patient has some ability of taking effort (eg. in cases of
serious arthroplogosis, when using standing postures is not possible temporarily) or in case of
patients without limbs. They can also be used as supplement by patients who are mainly using
standing postures.
• First posture. Sit on edge of a chair, with body straight, eyes closed, mouth slightly
open. Feet parallel or making shape of / \. Distance between feet ñ about 4 fists. Whole
feet are resting on the ground. Knees bent at about 90 degrees angle. Palms are resting
on thighs, fingers pointing obliquely forward, arms curved, armpits half open, whole
body relaxed.
• Second posture. Pull your both feet back. Heels lifted, feet making shape of / \. Knees
bent at about 40-50 degrees angle. Palms are resting on thighs or are placed in front of
chest, at distance of about 1 foot. Fingers separated, pointing obliquely forward.
Insides of palms directed toward body, as if embracing something or directed outward,
as if pushing something. Other demands are the same as when practicing first posture.
• Third posture. Straighten your legs. Knees are only slightly bent. Toes pointing
upward. Heels are resting on the ground or are slightly raised above ground. Palms are
resting on thighs or placed in front of chest, at distance about 1 foot from it, as if
embracing something. Other demands are the same as when practicing first posture.
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